Rain Coast Choir
Rain Coast Choir remains committed to safely singing in person, and our first priority is the safety and comfort of our members. We will review our protocols regularly and adapt them to adhere to our Provincial Health Officer’s and 411 Seniors Centre Society’s COVID-19 policies.
Members agree to abide by the following Terms and Conditions. We reserve the right to make changes to our COVID-19 safety policy as new developments arise.
If you have questions or concerns regarding any of the following Terms and Conditions, please visit our FAQ page, or contact us before signing and submitting your registration form.
1. COVID-19 Safety Policy
Proof of Double Vaccination
Proof of vaccination is required to participate unless an individual has a medical exemption. Exemptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
To avoid congestion and delay during in-person rehearsals, vaccination documentation can be emailed in advance to register@raincoastchoir.com.
Proof of vaccination can also be presented at the first choir session.
Masks are currently optional in all common areas of 411 Seniors Centre Society (foyer, hallways, restrooms, etc.) We will abide by their protocols if this changes.
In the rehearsal hall, masks are optional but not currently required. This may change as we continue to monitor provincial mandates and group comfort levels.
If you have concerns about our masking protocol or have increased risk for severe illness, we encourage you to email us to discuss your concerns at info@raincoastchoir.com.
Any information disclosed will be kept strictly confidential, and will be considered in the ongoing monitoring of our masking protocol.
Physical Distancing and Symptom Screening
Use outdoor spaces for small-group and sectional workshopping when weather permits.
Complete symptom screening upon each arrival.
Personal hygiene and Equipment Sharing
Hand-sanitizer will be provided at the entrance and sign-in areas.
Singers are encouraged to bring their own water bottles, pencils, etc.
Shared equipment will be sanitized after use.
Single-use straws, lyric sheets etc., shall not be returned to where they could be inadvertently reused.
Illness Reporting and Attendance
Members are not to attend rehearsal if they experience any suspected symptoms of COVID-19, including but not limited to the following: cough, nasal congestion, headache, sore throat, fatigue, loss of taste or smell, fever, shortness of breath, or chest pain or pressure, unless these symptoms are normal for you, or related to a chronic condition (see below).
Members are encouraged not to attend if they have had a known exposure to COVID-19 within 5 days prior to rehearsal and are likely to have contracted the illness.
Please use the BC COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool at bc.thrive.health/covid19/en and follow the guidance provided.
Chronic Medical Conditions
Some members have chronic medical conditions, such as allergies, whose symptoms mirror those of COVID-19. If you are comfortable, please let us know if you are affected by one of these chronic health conditions, so that we can make informed decisions about how to have you participate safely in choir activities.
Additionally, we suggest that anyone with a chronic medical condition keep in contact with their primary care physician, if they have one, as they can provide the best guidance and support.
2. Missed Rehearsal Policy
Member Absence
If a member misses a rehearsal because they are ill, they may use the practice tracks to keep up to speed.
If multiple members miss more than one rehearsal, Joline may offer a make-up rehearsal for folks who are behind. Section leaders may also help out.
Director Absence
If Joline misses a rehearsal, a substitute will coordinate the rehearsal. Section leaders can also help to direct and/or workshop with their sections.
If Joline and multiple others become sick, this would indicate that risk of transmission had increased. We may suspend choir practice until we determine it is safe to continue meeting.
3. Season/Show Interruption Contingency Plan
If provincial occupancy limits change and determine we cannot use our space, we will either hold rehearsals outside or at an alternative location.
If we cannot complete the season, we may offer current members a discounted registration fee for another season if it is feasible to do so.
If Joline is ill for the end-of-season performance, we will attempt to reschedule the show at a later date, or find a substitute director to perform with the choir if possible in the event that the show cannot be rescheduled.
4. Refund Policy
Members must withdraw from choir before Friday, September 22nd to receive a refund for the season.
For each week attended, $25 will be deducted from the refund.
No refunds will be given for season tuition after the deadline.
No refunds will be provided for missed rehearsals. The registration fee is for participation in the full season.
5. Tolerance and Inclusivity Policy
All members are welcome, and will be treated with respect, regardless of racial identity, ethnicity, cultural identity, religion, beliefs, physical ability, socioeconomic status, social class, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc.
If you have preferred pronouns, please do make them known.
We are a community built on collaboration, support and encouragement. Singing and exploring our voices together is a vulnerable endeavour, and it is expected that all members will respect and celebrate each other's abilities, ideas, creativity and feelings. Criticism and competetion have no place in Rain Coast Choir and will not be allowed.
6. Photography and Video Consent
Members consent to having their likeness used in photos and videos for promotional purposes.
If you are concerned about being included, it is your responsibility to notice when photos and/or videos are being recorded during rehearsals and social events, and to take measures to avoid being captured.
It is not possible to avoid being included in photo and video during our performances, as there may be professional photographers, videographers, and or audience members recording the show.
7. Privacy Policy
Personal information collected is used to identify members, determine services and instruction required, and protect the safety and security of members.
All personal information shared during rehearsals and/or in private, whether verbal or written, shall remain confidential. Contact information provided may be shared amongst Rain Coast Choir volunteers, section leaders, and other members for the purposes of communicating choir-related updates, scheduling extra rehearsals, etc.
No personal information shall be passed on to any institutions or individuals outside the Rain Coast Choir organization without your expressed consent.
You may receive email or phone correspondence from authorized individuals, either from official Rain Coast Choir email addresses, or the individual’s personal email address. All Rain Coast Choir members and representatives agree to respect your privacy, and no personal information shall be shared with parties outside the Rain Coast Choir organization.
8. Confidentiality and Intellectual Property Policy
All Rain Coast Choir practice materials (practice tracks, lyrics, scores, instructional audio and/or video, etc.) are provided for private use of current registered choir members, for educational and support purposes only.
Confidential materials and recordings shall not be shared with outside parties, redistributed, presented or posted publicly in any form, either physically or online.
9. Liability Disclaimer
Choral Singing and Somatic VoiceworkTM
In choral singing, and vocal coaching using Somatic VoiceworkTM, the focus is on healthy vocal function, and our practice rests on a great respect for and sensitivity to the responses of the body, while we explore singing and developing the voice. Emphasis is on free and easy use of the voice, and we do not seek to strain, contort or push the voice beyond what is comfortable. Every effort will be made to ensure that our work together does not create undue stress on, or injury to, the voice.
Rain Coast Choir members assume full responsibility for any risks involved in participation. If you are concerned about the impact of singing on your voice, you may wish to consult a medical professional or specialist prior to registering for the season.
COVID-19, Communicable Disease, Health and Safety
While Rain Coast Choir makes every effort to create a safe environment in regard to COVID-19 and other communicable diseases, members agree to self-monitor, prioritize the health and safety of fellow participants, and assume full responsibility for any risks involved in group singing and performing.
Rain Coast Choir, 411 Seniors Centre Society, and Joline Baylis assume no liability for any illness, injury or damages that occur as a result of participation in choir rehearsals and/or performances.
If you have questions or concerns regarding any of the above Terms and Conditions, please visit our FAQ page. Alternatively, feel free to contact us or email info@raincoastchoir.com.