Private Coaching
1. Refund Policy
No refunds will be given for pre-paid sessions and packages, although make-up sessions may be scheduled if necessary, according to the terms below.
2. Cancellation Policy
Cancellation notices must be received at least 24 hours prior to session in order to receive a make-up session. Any sessions missed without 24 hours notice remain payable to the teacher.
3. Illness Policy
Sessions missed due to illness or extraordinary circumstances with less than 24 hours notice may be eligible for a make-up session at the discretion of the teacher.
In-person Sessions
In the event that either the student or teacher experience any suspected symptoms of COVID-19 or other respiratory illness such as cold and flu, that week’s session will take place on Zoom, or can be rescheduled/cancelled at the teacher’s discretion.
Symptoms include but are not limited to the following: cough, nasal congestion, headache, sore throat, fatigue, loss of taste or smell, fever, shortness of breath, or chest pain or pressure, unless these symptoms are normal for you, or related to a chronic condition (see below).
Please use the BC COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool at and follow the guidance provided.
Exposure to Illness
Because COVID-19 is highly transmissable before symptoms appear, students are not to attend in-person sessions if they have had a known exposure to COVID-19 within 5 days prior to their session and are likely to have contracted the illness. Here are some definitions and examples of various risk levels of exposure: Exposure Level Self-Assessment Tool
4. Make-up Sessions
Make-up sessions will be conducted outside of regularly scheduled sessions. The missed session will not be rolled over to the next week (resulting in an unpaid week). Sessions missed due to cancellation, illness, or other extraordinary circumstances must be made up within 2 weeks, or they remain payable to the teacher.
5. Rescheduling
Sessions may be rescheduled with at least 72 hours notice. No more than 2 lessons may be rescheduled within a 60 day period.
6. Summer Vacation and Extended Absence Policy
Students may schedule longer absences for trips etc. A 2 lesson notice period is required.
7. Cessation Policy
A student must provide a 2 lesson notice period to stop lessons. Weekly students must give 2 weeks of notice, a biweekly student works out to 3 weeks notice.
8. Privacy and Confidentiality of Recordings
For zoom sessions, students may be able to record their sessions for practice and review purposes. In the case of group sessions, this will depend on all participants agreeing to be recorded. Students agree to respect the privacy and confidentiality of the teacher and other participants, and will not share, post publicly, or otherwise disseminate video recordings of sessions.
The teacher may record sessions for review purposes, or to show to funders or organizations who are interested in facilitating Somatic Voicework TM Sessions. These recordings will not be posted publicly, and will only be used for quality assurance and demonstration purposes, with express agreement to maintatin the confidentiality of participants.
9. Liability Disclaimer
In Somatic Voicework TM the focus is on healthy vocal function, and the practice rests on a great respect for and sensitivity to the responses of the body while we explore singing and developing the voice. Emphasis is on free and easy use of the voice, and we do not seek to strain, contort or push the voice beyond what is comfortable. Every effort will be made to ensure that our work together does not create undue stress on, or injury to the voice.
However, the student assumes full responsibility for any risks involved in pursuing vocal coaching, whether in-person or online. Rain Coast Choir and Joline Baylis assume no liability for any injury or damages that occur as a result of participation in vocal coaching sessions.
If you have questions or concerns regarding any of the above Terms and Conditions, contact us or email